Komptrade innovates and creates a B2B sales space where Sellers and Buyers can meet.

How to get access
Go to the website www.komptrade.com.
Fill the Form.
Subscribe to the "Premium Plan".
Connect to the forum, field "Buyer & Seller".
Start to Trade.
Open a "Shop" on the Forum. Download files (PDF, picture, video, audio, etc...).
Secure payment on komptrade.com
Online payment (Visas, Mastercard, PayPal, Etc...)
Payment by Bank Transfer.
The buyer is guaranteed to receive the goods for which he paid.
The seller is guaranteed to be paid for the goods he delivers.
Private space: whether or not to accept a Buyer / Seller.
Ranking of Sellers / Buyers by reliability.
KOMPTRADE / FeDex partnership to carry out the delivery.
KOMTRADE / Lloyds partnership to insure the goods.
Many other advantages...
Start to Trade on KOMPTRADE platform Now.